Tuesday, 26 December 2017

4 Hard to Ignore Reasons that you need to get CPR Courses


If there is anything out there that we could consider extremely important when it comes to our safety, then it must be CPR courses. This kind of training allowed many people to help in critical situations, giving victims the chance to lead a normal life once more. It is almost unbelievable when we think that our lives can end in a matter of minutes. A stroke may affect anyone, anywhere, without any previous warnings. While some strokes are not that severe, there are cases in which they can easily put someone’s life in danger, even if that person never experienced a stroke before. So, besides first aid training, CPR Courses Winnipeg is the next most important type of training anyone should take. In case you are continuously postponing this decision, here are 4 hard to ignore reasons you should get this training now.
  1. A person you love may be facing a risk and you’ll be more than prepared to help
You need to be aware that the majority of the cardiac arrests are taking place in people’s homes and not in public places as most might imagine. More precisely, 85% of these cases are happening when someone is at home. So, you could very well be at home, with the people you love, when someone important to you simply collapses unconsciously. In such situations, you need to know how to interpret the symptoms and, according to a fast and efficient assessment, to apply the right method. It needs training and a certain knowledge packaged to act calm and efficient in such cases.
  1. You will learn the real CPR technique
Forget everything you think you know about CPR from your acquaintances or from movies because with the help of CPR training you will learn how to perform this technique just right. Even if you read about this technique and try to learn it by heart, it is hard to perform it right without proper training. When it comes to CPR and First Aid Training Winnipeg, one of the biggest advantages is the hands-on training, where you learn everything you need to do safely on a mannequin. So when it happens in real life, you will know what to do.
  1. Employers will start looking at you in a different manner
Safety at the workplace is an incredibly important manner so your resume will look much better if you can add CPR courses to it. Your employer will see you as a reliable part of the company that already has all the necessary training to keep the rest of the employees out of danger. Not to mention that CPR and first aid training will turn you into a candidate worthy of being taken into consideration at any job you may apply.
  1. It is not complicated to follow CPR courses, nor is it costly or inconvenient
Everybody should know that CPR is not an expensive course at all, not even if you would be interested in HCP courses, suitable in the case of people that already work in the healthcare system. Also, this kind of training that doesn’t consume a lot of time either, as they need just a couple of hours of your time. Yes, in just a couple of hours of training you will get all the knowledge you need to save someone’s life when needed.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

The importance of first aid training in the case of reserve officers


CPR courses and First Aid Training Winnipeg are essential skills everybody would acquire because they can prove extremely helpful in case of accidents and life-threatening situations. When it comes to cadets that belong to the Reserve Officer Training Corp, this particular kind of knowledge is even more important, as it can become vital when involved in certain missions and dispatched in conflict areas. The Army knows the importance of this kind of training so it embeds it in the preparation of future officers. If learning about the Army is the main thing cadets will learn in their first year, in the second year of their training things become more practical, also including first aid training.
  • Preparing to face battlefield situations
Finding out about battlefield situations in a theoretic manner is not going to help when these really happen, this is why cadets go through real-life scenarios that replicate the harsh conditions in such cases. Thus, they get to actually see, through these simulations, what the risks they are facing are and how to best prepare to manage them efficiently. This is why cadets are taught to survive, minimizing the life-threatening aspect of an injury rather than treating it, to reduce downtime.
  • The threat of carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, as you can feel it in any way. It has no smell and no color, so it can easily know a person unconscious and drift toward death very easily. Cadets are learning how to recognize the signs of carbon monoxide intoxication so they can act in a timely manner if they see someone facing such risks.
  • Taking care of burns
When in a conflict situation, the risk of burns is very high, due to the presence of explosives on the battlefield. So, taking care of burns is probably the most often used first aid simulation during the training of cadets. They learn what needs to be done in the case of burns, regardless where and how they happen. Covering a burned victim with a material that is not synthetic and rolling the person on the ground is the first thing they need to do. Then, an assessment is made to check the severity of the burn, while making sure that the victim can breathe properly, by checking the face, mouth, and nose. And, finally, they learn how to treat a burn appropriately, to minimize damages.
  • General issues that may emerge
Anything can happen during a mission, so cadets should know how to provide first aid in any situation, not just in the case of burns or carbon monoxide. They need to be capable of saving their lives and the lives of their colleagues, or of the victims, they may encounter. Thus, first aid training and everything it can provide turns out to be more than useful.
  • How to minimize blood loss
Some of the injuries that may occur on the battlefield are extremely severe so a lot of blood loss can occur. This can be life-threatening when the victim is so far away from a hospital, so cadets need to keep it to a minimum. Through first aid training, the cadets are learning how to do so by using various methods, depending on the severity of the injury, increasing the survival chances of the victim. Cadets that have a medical background and are training to become military doctors, can always opt for HCP Courses Winnipeg, which are a bit more complex than the regular courses anyone could follow.  

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

How to provide first aid in case of hypothermia


Winter is closing on us and, even though many people enjoy this season, the cold weather also comes along with a set of risks. Hypothermia is, by far, the greatest risk associated with low temperatures, as it can endanger a person’s life if that person does not receive immediate attention. Among other things you learn during First Aid Training Winnipeg, you will also get the information necessary to identify hypothermia and what to do in the case it occurs, to minimize damages and even save a person’s life. CPR courses are extremely valuable in this case as well, if the cold risks taking a person’s life. With this kind of knowledge, there are high chances that you will be able to save a life in this kind of unwanted emergency case.  

There are two types of hypothermia, mild and severe hypothermia, each of them having its own set of symptoms and effects on the human body. Hypothermia that is mild will produce a shivering of the entire body, although the inner temperature of that person will still be normal. Also, a sensation of numbness may be experienced in the extremities of the body, like toes and fingers. But, if the hypothermia will head toward a moderate level, then the core temperature of the body will start to drop. Besides feeling numbness in the extremities, the victim will also start feeling numb in other parts of the body as well. The victim will also shiver severely and both the coordination and behavior of the person may start to show signs of improper functioning of the body. This is the moment when the victim should receive immediate and adequate attention because moderate hypothermia can quickly turn into severe hypothermia and endanger the person’s life. 

In case of severe hypothermia sets in, there’s no time to waste and the victim should receive immediate first aid, together with calling in an ambulance. Even healthcare providers should take HCP Courses Winnipeg to know how to best handle this kind of emergency cases, to make sure that the victim will have a normal life as much as possible after this episode. Besides calling an ambulance, you should also try to gradually warm up a person that suffers from severe hypothermia. While the instinct is to warm that person as much and as fast as possible, warming him or her too quickly can trigger heart arrhythmias. Have in mind that the core temperature of the body drops to 30°C in this case, the victim not shivering at this point and with a high chance of being unconscious. If the temperature will drop below 30°C, the life of the person is seriously in danger.  

Thus, what you can do until an ambulance arrives is to try to keep the person conscious, if possible, to use a blanket to gradually warm him or her, and check his or her breathing as often as possible, also being prepared to perform CPR in case the person becomes unresponsive and stops breathing. But again, try to remember that a rapid warming up of a person suffering from severe hypothermia can lead to permanent damages.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.  

Monday, 13 November 2017

3 Crucial aspects you need to know about CPR and First Aid Training

CPR and first aid training were created from the necessity to be able to take immediate action in case of accidents and medical emergencies. But, its time, it changed and improved so that the chances of survival of people to be increased, regardless of the crisis that puts their health and wellbeing to test. In case you want to make sure that you will be able to save a person that collapsed due to cardiac arrest or ends up in similar situations, then you definitely need to consider CPR training. If you choose to do so, the baggage of knowledge that you will acquire by the end of the course will be extremely valuable. Even if you work in the healthcare system, there are HCP courses that can enrich your experiences as a healthcare provider and make you even more ready to manage emergency situations.  

The training will be composed out of different sections, each of them addressing different aspects and situations. First Aid Training Winnipeg will focus more on treating injuries and accidents like CPR will make you capable of tackling life-threatening emergencies. During the courses and your training, you will focus your attention on 3 main aspects that are essential for this kind of training.
  1. Simulations on special CPR mannequins
CPR courses are so important for rescue operations and crisis situations precisely because they are physical. Practically, when performing CPR Courses Winnipeg, you are trying to restart someone’s heart while helping it to pump blood through the body so that the brain is not deprived of oxygen for too long. But before you actually end up performing this technique on a real person, you need to practice it on a mannequin, so you’ll learn how much pressure to apply and how to do it correctly.
  1. Learning how to use an Automated External Defibrillator
Considered a technical wonder that can help someone get a second chance to live after a cardiac arrest, the Automated External Defibrillator or AED will certainly be part of CPR Training Winnipeg due to its importance in life-saving. Although it is not that complicated to use such a device, it is essential for you to know how to use it efficiently and safely. It works by sending an electric shock to the victim’s heart, in order to restart it and set a normal rhythm, which makes this device one of the most useful in situations of cardiac arrest.
  1. Practical training sessions
While CPR and first aid training do have a theoretical part, you can’t save life and keep people out of danger without hands-on training. You will learn how to recognize various symptoms that may indicate toward a health emergency that needs immediate attention, plus what to do and when to do it, together with what not to do. When it comes to someone’s safety and even life, these details count a lot, so it is worth paying attention to each part of the CPR courses because each will provide crucial knowledge that will make you the guardian angel of the people in need.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Managing medical emergencies with the CPR method

A medical emergency never calls before making its appearance, so when you lack the proper knowledge that will help you managed efficiently, it is easy to panic and faces a lot of stress. Such an emergency can happen in the case of a family member, a friend, a colleague at work, or just a stranger you may have seen for the first time in your life. But, no matter who gets in a situation like this, will be deeply grateful if someone that took CPR Courses Winnipeg is in the area and gives them the chance of being saved. Of course, the ambulance should be called in any medical emergency, but time is crucial when someone’s heart stops and that person is deprived of oxygen. Through CPR courses, a person learns how to provide massages to the heart so that it can be restarted or at least help it pump blood to the body’s main organs until the paramedics arrive at the scene.  

This is why taking First Aid Training and CPR courses are one of the best things you can do. These courses last just a few hours but will give you the knowledge and skills needed to save lives. You may think that first aid training is not that important because you do know how to apply a bandage. But first aid is more than this. There are very many things that can go wrong in the places where you expect the least, like a public swimming pool, outdoor trails, a bathroom, restaurant, and so on. When it comes to pools, both adults and children, in particular, can face the risk of drowning. First aid will teach you how to perform the techniques needed to help a drowning person. There are special courses in the case of children in the case of such methods because the body of a child is smaller and more fragile so you will need to know how to handle it in order not to harm the child.  

Dangers and risks lurk at home, at work, while walking in the park, you name it. A good percentage of accidents happen at home, the place where we feel the safest. Anyone can slip in the kitchen, the front doorsteps, and so on, risking hitting their heads and injuring their spine. Even if you work in an office and there are no heavy machinery and tools to handle, there are still some risks everybody faces. CPR and first aid training should be taken seriously by everyone because it is the type of training that can make a huge difference in the case of a medical emergency or accident. Even health care providers should take such courses, the HCP Courses Winnipeg being specially created for those that already have basic knowledge in the medical field.  

So don’t allow life to take you by surprise, throwing unpleasant events your way, and choose to be well-prepared by taking first aid training and CPR courses. The more people join this kind of training, the safer our community will become.  

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Monday, 16 October 2017

3 Essential Things You Need to Bear in Mind when Going through CPR and First Aid Training


CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique that was developed to save a life. But, since it first appeared, CPR went through a series of changes that were meant to make this method more efficient than it previously was. When it comes to saving lives, CPR is extremely important, because it has the ability to save a person from the serious consequences of suffering a cardiac arrest. This happens out of a variety of reasons, the cause not being so important when you have to perform the method, doing it right and in a timely manner being all that counts. If you want to go through CPR Training Winnipeg and get the 

knowledge and skills required to save lives, you need to know that the training is divided into several sections, each being as important as the other. Having said all these, there are three main aspects you need to concentrate on during CPR training because each of them will give you the ability to intervene and keep a person alive until the ambulance arrives at the scene of the incident.
  • CPR simulations on a mannequin
When you first learn how to perform the CPR technique, you cannot use a real person because the movements are of physical nature, so a mannequin is more than useful during the practicing sessions. While you can acquire the theoretic part online and learn about the technique on your own, it is mandatory to practice on a mannequin, to learn the correct level of strength you need to apply when performing a cardiac massage and the precision it requires in order to restart a heart and save a life. So make sure you don’t skip this part.
  • Learning to use an AED
The Automated External Defibrillator or AED is an incredible piece of equipment that can be of great help in case someone suffers a cardiac arrest. But having an AED around is not enough if you really want to save a life. You also need to know how to use it properly and efficiently. Because this piece of equipment works by administering electric shocks, it is crucial for you to use it correctly. The electric shocks are meant to restart a heart that stopped and restore it to its natural function of pumping blood and oxygen throughout the entire body. This is another highly important aspect you will learn during CPR training.
  • Practical training
Again, anyone can look up CPR information online, but it is essential to go through hands-on training as well because your hands will be your primary tool when performing CPR. During practical training, you will see how CPR is performed by the instructor while receiving explanations and demonstrations that will help you become a lifesaver. Besides learning how to perform CPR, you will also get to know the symptoms of a heart attack and other severe emergency situations that can put the life of a person in danger. You will also see what you can do and what you can’t do when trying to save someone’s life.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Everything you need to know about CPR and first aid training


Disasters can hit at any moment without previous warning, which makes CPR and First Aid Training Winnipeg essential in each case. You may see a child drowning, a person falling and suffering back or head injuries, someone almost dying of cardiac arrest, and so on. These people may very well be members of your family or close friends. What do you do in this kind of situations? Most people panic because they have no idea how to react and what to do. This wouldn’t happen if a person had CPR courses, Winnipeg is a city that provides several centers where people can access this kind of courses throughout the year. 

The best part about these courses and training sessions is that everybody can be part of them. Anyone can acquire the needed skills and knowledge that will allow them to save the life of someone in need. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a nurse or have a job in the healthcare system, case in which you can opt for HCP courses in Winnipeg because anyone with any kind of background or age can learn what it taught through these courses. Still, what you need to know is that CPR courses in Winnipeg come in various formats, as follows:
  • There are courses for CPR skills only
CPR skills are needed in case someone suffers from cardiac arrest and requires resuscitation. This course lasts 8 hours for healthcare professionals and 6 hours for everybody else, the time being more than sufficient for you to take all the skills and knowledge you need to give a person a second chance to live, in case of cardiac arrest. And this takes only one day of your time.
  • Courses that mix CPR with first aid training
This type of mixed courses has two different levels, one treating standard first aid techniques while the other focuses on emergency first aid. No matter what level you choose, there will be a course that lasts somewhere between 7 to 9 hours, although it would be ideal to go through both levels. It will help you know what needs to be done in a variety of situations, like how to manage different injuries, airway emergencies, cardiac and respiratory arrest, and so on.
  • And courses for first aid provided in the case of children
Children are more fragile than adults so they need a different approach when it comes to CPR and first aid. Plus there are types of injuries that can happen in the case of children only, not occurring in the case of adults at all. It takes only 8 hours to learn everything you need with it comes to saving a child in a variety of situations, so it is definitely a type of training you need to consider.
As you can see, CPR and first aid training sessions are something that won’t take too much of your time and do not require any kind of medical skills and knowledge but can give you the power to save someone’s life in an emergency situation. So, what are you waiting for? Opt for these courses and become the guardian of the people you love.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Monday, 18 September 2017

CPR Courses Winnipeg for the Safety of your Family

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Most of us would do anything to know the people we love safe, which would also mean to have the knowledge required to act in emergency situations. Let’s say you take your family to the seaside and one of your children risks drowning if is someone in your family gets injured, suffers from a stroke or cardiac arrest, what will you do? These are only a few examples of what can go terribly wrong when you least expect it. This is why first aid training Winnipeg and CPR courses Winnipeg will give you the training and abilities necessary to keep your family safe no matter what.
What do CPR courses teach and why it is so important to take such courses? They are highly important because they teach you how to correctly handle a wide variety of emergency situations, making sure the victim is properly cared for until the ambulance arrives at the scene. During CPR courses, you will learn how to manage emergencies of the airways, breathing and circulation, caring for wounds and bleeds, how to offer first aid in care of cardiac and respiratory arrest, how to manage spine, head, muscles, bone, and joint injuries, how to use an electronic defibrillator, what to do in case poisonous substances are ingested, and how to manage sudden medical emergencies. As you can see, you get a lot of valuable information that will help you save someone’s life.
We all know that it takes a while until an ambulance arrives at the scene of an emergency, precious minutes being wasted just by waiting for the paramedics to take care of the victim. In some cases, their arrival may be too late or it may cause severe damage to the victim’s health. With first aid training and CPR courses, you will have to power to change things and lower the risks of anything unfortunate to happen. Even if you work in the healthcare system and you have more medical knowledge than the average person, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of these courses. There are special HCP courses that will provide the knowledge that you may be missing and give you the certainty and peace of mind that you’ll do well regardless of what emergency may arise.
Can you take one or two days of your precious time to take CPR courses and be sure that nothing bad will ever happen you loved ones? Yes, first aid training and CPR courses usually last, in most cases, a day or two, with only 8 hours a day of training. You should team up with the entire family and participate in these courses, making sure that you have each other’s back in case of any medical emergency and crisis situation. There are so many cases where first aid and CPR techniques were able to save someone’s life, stabilizing the victim until the ambulance arrived. Knowing how to resuscitate someone, how to manage a drowning person, or a head injury can really make the difference between life and death.
Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website   www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

CPR courses can help you save the life of a person

Emergency situations may appear in the least expected moments and in the least expected place. Even at the gym, where people go to take care of their health and well-being, danger can be present. For example, a person can go into cardiac arrest by showing no visible signs of feeling sick or without even knowing that he or she may have a medical problem. When something like this happens every second matter. If no one around the victims knows what to do and how to react, that person may very well die from a senseless incident. This can be a death that can be avoided with the help of first aid training Winnipeg and CPR courses Winnipeg.

Any of us can be in danger because a cardiac arrest never calls before arriving uninvited. A person can easily die, regardless of age, if no one is capable of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him or her. This is one of the most important things you learn during CPR courses Winnipeg   an extremely useful training that takes so little of your time and gives you the ability and knowledge to save lives, including the lives of the people you love. You do have to call the ambulance, there’s no doubt about it, but precious time flies away until the paramedics arrive, so there is an increased risk that they won’t be able to do anything but to determine the time of the person’s death. And even if the paramedics manage to bring that person to life, after countless minutes in which his brain has been deprived of oxygen, both his brain and body may suffer permanent damages. In other words, the life of that person may never be the same again.

 If you just took a little time necessary to take first aid training and follow CPR course, you can become the second chance to live for a person that was unfortunate enough to suffer a cardiac arrest or an accident that threatened to take his or her life. No one is guilty of having to go through such things and they can happen even in the case of people that know themselves as healthy and well. But if more people would take CPR courses, then the chance of being saved and resuming your life with minimal consequences would be more available around the city and even outside it. Practically everywhere you go, with the knowledge you earned during these courses, you will be able to save lives.

Even if you are a healthcare provider, you could still do something to make sure that you will be able to handle every emergency case. You can easily go for HCP Courses Winnipeg that is specially made for health care providers and strengthen the knowledge you have about performing first aid and CPR techniques no matter when they happen and what risks they involve. Assuming that you will never be in a crisis situation is wrong. We like to believe that we are strong, but in reality, we are quite fragile. A stupid incident could easily take our lives, especially if no one can perform first aid and CPR.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca

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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Handling a medical emergency with the help of first aid


 It is never enough to talk about the importance of first aid training, Winnipeg having great first aid and CPR courses for instance, especially in the case of medical emergencies. While doctors are the most qualified people when it comes to finding out what is wrong with a person, saving a life doesn’t require a doctor’s diploma. To start with, you can choose to take CPR courses in Winnipeg, in order to receive the training and knowledge needed to handle any medical emergency that may arise. These courses don’t take long and, don’t worry, you won’t have to replace a doctor, just making sure that a person that goes through a medical emergency is stable as much as possible until the ambulance arrives. You may also want to take a look at the following steps that should be made when facing a medical emergency.
  • Always call 911
While first aid and CPR courses provide a lot of knowledge of how to deal with medical emergencies, you should never try to replace the help of a doctor. The first thing you should do in such a case is to call 911 and request an ambulance. This way you will know that adequate medical help is just minutes away, your only task is to keep the victim stable until paramedics arrive. Keep in mind not to move the victim because in some cases this will only make things worse.
  • Be prepared to handle the medical emergency
An emergency situation may appear all the time when someone risks choking, drowning, or getting severely injured by falling down the stairs. The CPR training in Winnipeg will provide all the knowledge one needs to handle such cases, like how to correctly perform a Heimlich maneuver to keep someone from choking, how to perform CPR on someone that drowned, and how to properly take care of various types of injuries. Such knowledge can help in a great deal and save someone’s life until a paramedic arrives at the location.
  • Make sure you have a first aid kit ready around the clock
There are cases in which first aid interventions can be the difference between life and death. Let us think about a cardiac arrest. There are only a few minutes left to react in such cases and make sure the victim has a chance of survival. Also, providing first aid in case of injuries and accidents can keep things from getting worse, so an immediate reaction must be present. For this, you need to have a first aid kit in handy and properly equipped at all times. Keep it within reach at home and don’t forget to take it with you when leaving the house, because medical emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. With the help of first aid training, you can become the guardian of the people you love and the savior of complete strangers that may enjoy a second chance because you were there and you knew what to do to save their lives. For just of few days of training, learning first aid and CPR techniques, the satisfaction and peace of mind will be priceless.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Even squeamish persons can go through first aid training with success

Not all people are born with a hard stomach, many of us feeling sick when seeing blood or an injury, and not feeling comfortable in the presence of needles. So, when it comes to first aid training, these people may not feel at ease because they are aware of the fact that this kind of training may involve situations that may be gross to them. But, even so, people with a softer stomach can successfully go through first aid training. The idea that what they are trained to do may save the life of someone they love or care about is in many cases stronger than the nauseating factors.

We should all realize that an accident may take place at any time, even we when expect less, leaving us with the frustration that we don’t know what to do if someone is in trouble and may need urgent medical attention. Let’s say you are dining out at a restaurant and someone accidentally slips and falls down, hitting his or her head on the floor. Such an injury can be extremely serious and may put that person’s life in danger, so first aid is needed to keep the person alive until paramedics arrive. And this is only one example of a disastrous situation that may take place at any given time. So, taking first aid training saves you from feeling helpless in such situations, giving you the knowledge you need to handle any emergency or crisis.

There are several types of first aid training, some teaching you basic first aid techniques while others focus more on emergency first aid. The emergency first aid course, for instance, takes only one day to complete and gives you an entire package of information that will make you much better prepared to react in the case of an emergency. When something serious happens, precious minutes fly by until the paramedics arrive, time in which you can use this newly gained knowledge to keep a person alive and safe until doctors arrive at the scene. What you learned during such courses covers what actions are legal to be performed to how to take the gloves off in safety after being contaminated. You will also learn how to prevent both adults and children from choking, keeping their airways clear for breathing.

You will also learn about CPR courses, an essential technique if someone suffers from cardiac arrest and may need chest compression to restart the heart, plus AED, which are defibrillators, placed in various public areas to provide the chance to save someone’s life. So, you may be wondering what is gross when it comes to first aid. We are talking about wound care, the part that makes soft stomachs twitch. But, knowing how to properly clean and care for a wound will save the injured person from developing severe infections and even losing their limbs. With proper training, nothing will seem that gross in the end and you will definitely leave the first aid course feeling great, knowing that from now on you can save lives and make a difference.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

5 Important aspects about First Aid you always need to Remember


Life is unpredictable and accidents can happen all of a sudden, without any warning. Whether you are at home, at work, shopping, or in a vacation, anything can ruin your day. You or your loved ones may suffer an injury, accidents, or, in the worst-case scenario, their life may be in danger. Whether you need to know your dear ones in safety or you may use your skills to save someone that is in need of medical assistance until the ambulance arrives, first aid training can help you save lives. You can find first aid training in Winnipeg that will teach you everything you need to know so that unfortunate event won’t catch you with your guard down. Even if you do know how to provide first aid, there are some things you always need to remember, like the following 5:

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1. Stop a wound from bleeding

Regardless what kind of injury we are talking about, if there is an open wound and the injured person is losing blood, you need to stop it from leaking. If too much blood is lost, the life of that person may be in danger. The first thing you need to do is to make sure the wound is clean, removing any visible debris from it to prevent an infection. Next, you will have to wrap or cover the wound with a piece of clean cloth, applying pressure on the area, because doing so will stop the bleeding.

2. Cool down burned areas

No matter what caused the burn, the best way to reduce pain and discomfort and help the area heal faster is to cool it down. You will need cool water that should run over the burned area for about 20 minutes. You can also apply ice but only wrapped in a towel, because putting ice even on a burn can cause frost bites, damaging the tissue even more.

3. If you must, use a defibrillator and don’t be scared about it

During CPR courses in Winnipeg you will learn how to use a defibrillator, because there can be situations in which it would be more than necessary to use one. So, no matter what happens and a person ends up into cardiac arrest, his or her heart stops functioning, you need to use a defibrillator as soon as possible. The more minutes that person will take without a functioning heart the greater are the risks for irreversible brain damages, due to the lack of oxygen. Plus, defibrillators always come with instructions, being made so that they will deliver the right amount of electric impulse to the heart without provoking any injuries. You just got two very good reasons to use a defibrillator when needed and not be afraid of it.

4. Holding the tip of the nose stops a nosebleed

The fastest and easiest way to stop a bleeding nose is to lean forward and hold the tip of the nose. Pressure applied on this area will stop the bleeding almost immediately. You can find other useful tips if you access the Canadian Red Cross site or app.

5. Knowing how to perform CPR

CPR is more than welcome because it allows you to perform lifesaving techniques when the situation requires it. Getting CPR training is highly recommended because you can save a life and you will also learn how to perform CPR on adults and children, as these two differ a little. For people that are healthcare providers, there are special HCP courses in Winnipeg for achieving knowledge that will help them manage severe situations with calm and professionalism.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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Monday, 24 July 2017

5 Most Important Tips to remember when it comes to First Aid


You never know when an emergency situation may take place, putting your life and the life of others in danger. When a medical crisis occurs, the first reaction anyone involved has is to dial 911 and call in the paramedics. While this is the best decision one can make, precious minutes pass by until the paramedics will actually manage to arrive at the location. Many things can be done during this time, making sure that the injured person has the best chances for survival or recovery. Whether we are talking about yourself or other people that are suffering from a condition dangerous to health and life, a first aid and CPR training center would like to share a few very important tips to have in mind when performing first aid.

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  1. If there is a leak, do whatever you can to stop it
When it comes to accidents and serious injuries, a wound leaking a lot of blood can be extremely dangerous for the victim. If too much blood is lost until the paramedics arrive and manage to take the patient to the hospital, for a much-needed blood transfusion, the life of that person can be in serious danger, as blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other major organs. So, you will have to stop it, starting with cleaning the wound, getting dirt and other debris out of the area. Then with a piece of cloth, wrap the leaking area, and start applying pressure on it. This should stop the loss of blood and increase the victim’s chances for survival.
  1. Cool areas that suffered burns
While many people are afraid of approaching an injury induced by burning, it is highly recommended to cool down the burned area to avoid it from getting severer. But, whatever you do, never apply ice on a burned area no matter how great this idea seems to you. Ice may provoke frost bites on the already damaged tissue, provoking more problems that to actually do some good. Thus, the best approach is to allow cool water to run over the burned area for approximately 20 minutes, to make the temperature drop.
  1. If you have to, don’t hesitate to use a defibrillator
During first aid training and CPR training, many people learn how to use, in theory, a defibrillator, but when a real crisis occurs and a defibrillator may be needed, a lot of people are scared of using one. Just think about it. What can be scarier, someone’s heart stopping or using a defibrillator? All defibrillators come with instructions you can follow, so do not hesitate to use one if someone goes into cardiac arrest, meaning that his or her heart stopped working, because you can save a life this way.
  1. Holding the nose will stop it from bleeding
A bleeding nose may not seem something severe, but again, we are dealing with blood loss, so you should not allow it to bleed. Believe it or not, the best way to stop a nose from bleeding is to lean forward and hold the tip of the nose. Pressure applied on the tip of your nose will stop the bleeding in a very short while.
  1. Knowing CPR
No matter how you put it, knowing how to perform CPR properly is indeed an amazing skill. CPR is extremely valuable in the case of cardiac arrest, for instance, because it keeps the brain going and lungs oxygenated even if the heart is not doing its job. Even if you didn’t go through CPR training, you should know that quick chest compression will help, but do avoid breathing into the person’s mouth. Also, be aware that CPR is done differently in the case of children, then in comparison with an adult, so CPR training is more than welcome.
Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Training to become first aid certified


When it comes to first aid certification, you should stop postponing and start your training as soon as possible, because you may never know what can happen. You or someone you love or know may get injured or their life and be in danger, being extremely useful and even life-saving to know how to react in various situations. Crisis situations may occur anywhere. They can hit while you are at home, at work, and even when you are out in the park or shopping. So First aid training can be of great help in any of these situations.

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1. Providing first aid at home

A family with children knows that the young ones are more prone to accidents and can easily get into trouble; this is why first aid should be a must for every parent. There are times when you are along with your children or with someone you love, being the only one that can administer first aid in case of need. So, be prepared to save the life of a dear one if the unforeseen happens, having in mind that a lot of accidents happen at home, the place most people consider the safest.

2. Providing first aid at work

Every person that is employed should follow first aid training because accidents and serious injuries can happen at work as well. Even if you work in an office building, this doesn’t mean that you are entirely safe. One of your colleagues can suffer from a stroke, first aid and CPR training teaching you what can be done in such situations. And this is only one scenario of what may happen while you are at work. The more employees know first aid and CPR, the safer a workplace will become.

3. Standard first aid and CPR

The standard first aid CPR/AED, level C or HCP, is the most basic training one can go through for learning the first aid and CPR techniques. It is a very short and intense course that takes only 2 days, training for a total of 16 hours, which will allow you to master the skills needed to provide first aid and CPR. Health care providers can benefit from extra training. The skills you will lean during this training include a variety of situations, such as life-threatening emergencies, first-aid injuries, and dangers caused by various illnesses.

4. Emergency first aid and CPR

This training is even shorter, lasting for 8 hours and being completed within a day. The training is ideal for giving you the knowledge needed to handle medical emergencies that occur suddenly, covering various injuries and illnesses that can put in danger the life of a person. It is the minimum first aid and CPR training everybody should have, to make sure that their family, colleagues, and even a stranger could be offered a second chance to life, in case they face a situation that may put their life at stake. For only 8 hours spent in one single day, you can save the life of a person in a variety of situations.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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Tuesday, 4 July 2017

How to make sure active kids stay safe at all times


Active and fearless kids are great for every family because they won't hold back from anything and are very fun to have around. But, precisely the fact that they do not fear things and get engaged in all sorts of activities makes them more prone to accidents. By keeping an eye on such kids, you are making sure they don’t get into trouble, but you should also consider first aid training, Winnipeg having great training centers for whoever wishes to learn CPR and first aid techniques.
Why CPR and first aid? Well, sometimes it takes just a few seconds for chaos and panic to get installed, active children being rather mischievous and getting into dangerous situations without even knowing, so you need to be prepared to react.

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Anyone can enjoy CPR courses in Winnipeg, making sure that they acquire the needed knowledge to save their loved ones in case of accidents and injuries. No one wishes to think about the worse, but unwanted events can happen when you expect less, so it is extremely helpful to know that you have to do until the paramedics arrive. Active kids can run into things, put all sorts of objects in their mouth out of curiosity, trip and fall, and so on, the risk to put their well-being in jeopardy.

So, by knowing first aid and CPR, and having the Canadian Red Cross app on your phone, you will have some peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, your child will always be in good hands when you are around.

So, do you have a child that is adventurous or clumsy? Well, you can still allow the young one to enjoy a variety of activities by taking extra precaution methods. If you go biking, skateboarding, or rollerblading, make sure your child has a helmet, knee and elbow protection pads, and other pieces of equipment that may be necessary.

Use clothing items that have reflective stripes on them, even during daylight, to make sure that they are visible at all times. Unroll these activities in quiet places, where there is not too much traffic or no traffic at all. And don’t go too far from your child, making sure you are in his proximity at all times, preventing unwanted accidents.

Besides this, have a first aid kit with you all the time and don’t hesitate to use the Canadian Red Cross app for useful information. Even if you are work in the healthcare domain and you know what to do if accidents occur, it would still be useful to get, Winnipeg providing such courses as well. These courses will keep you calm regardless of the situation, allowing you to perform your job right. No matter how many years of experience you have, when something bad happens to your child, you may panic and forget what you have to do. Thus, additional training, especially in the CPR and first aid, are always welcome. No measures are too much when it comes to the safety of your children.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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Wednesday, 21 June 2017

How to Tell if you are Having a Heat Stroke

tired woman runner taking a rest after running hard on city road

Summer is one of the most expected seasons of the year, although it also means that we are going to experience high temperatures as well. Thus, you should be well aware of the fact that spending too much time out in the heat may be dangerous for your health. There are HCP and CPR courses in Winnipeg where you can get training and help anyone in the emergency. Because anyone can suffer from a heat stroke if extended time is spent outside when the sky is clear and the sun is burning. To make sure that you are safe and you know what to do in such a case, you need to learn how to recognize the occurrence of a heat stroke.

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First, you should know that there are two types of heat strokes that may affect your body. The first one is the classical non-exertional heat stroke and it manifests through the incapacity of your body to manage its temperature. The second one is called exertional heat stroke, your body also being incapacitated of managing its own temperature but while performing physical effort. This inability of your body to handle heat and regulate its temperature can be extremely dangerous for your vital internal organs and brain. So knowing to recognize them and how to take proper action if they occur can save you and your loved ones from severe health problems or you can use Canadian Red Cross first aid app where you will get the options and important information about what to do in an emergency.

If you stood outside in the heat for a longer period, starting to feel your palms dry, your feet tight, feeling a bit disoriented, and sweating a lot through your clothes, this can very well mean that you are suffering from a heat stroke. To prevent an episode like this from happening, you should avoid drinking coffee or alcohol in days that are very hot, because these beverages promote body dehydration and this is the last thing you want. When getting ready to go outside, don’t dress up in tight clothes. Instead, opt for loose and baggy clothes, which are made out of light materials that will permit a good airflow. For more such important information opt for First Aid Training in Winnipeg area and grab as much information as can and get train yourself.

Adding more in that, you should also make sure to drink plenty of water, more precisely as much water as you can, while avoiding salty foods because they reduce the number of fluids in your organism.

Using a hat and a sunscreen with high protection factor, like SPF 30 or more, also help a lot because getting sunburns will prevent your skin from sweating, which means that your body will not be able to cool down appropriately. And do have in mind that there are some medications that affect the way your body manages heat, making it susceptible to heat strokes. Such medicines are found in the treatment for diabetes, nausea, or allergies, so you need to read the prospect of the medicines you are using and be extra careful if you are on treatment for any of the previously mentioned health conditions. With a bit of precaution, you can keep heat strokes at bay and enjoy a beautiful summer.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

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Monday, 12 June 2017

Useful advice on how to apply CPR Techniques for Adults and Children

Useful advice on how to apply CPR Techniques for Adults and Children

CPR is a technique that is essential in emergency situations because it can help save the life of a person that is in danger. Whether we are talking about adults or children, anyone can end up in a situation that can be life-threatening, so we should all recognize the value of knowing how to perform CPR. People that work in domains that provide services should definitely consider taking CPR training because they constantly come in contact with people and anything bad can happen at any time. Although we all could use such training because we can save the people we love, our colleagues, or even a stranger, if we are around when an unfortunate event happens, like a cardiac arrest.

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Before executing CPR, you should know that there are a few things to check first. To start with, the surrounding environment should be safe. If it is not safe, the victim should be moved to a safer area, where you can perform CPR without being in any danger. Then see if the victim is responding and has a pulse. Tap the person on the shoulder and ask if he or she is okay, and check the victim’s neck or wrist for the pulse. If the person has a pulse, do not perform chest compressions and go straight rescue breathing. Finally, you should call 911. If there is someone there beside you, ask that person to call an ambulance. If you are alone with the victim, dial 911 and put the phone on speaker, so you can continue performing CPR until you finish your call. Or you can use the Canadian Red Cross app for the help.

CPR consists in compressions, to help the blood circulate as normal as possible, airways clearing, and rescue breathing. Chest compression and rescue breathing should be performed alternatively if the person ceased breathing and his or her chest are not rising, as a sign that it is getting air inside until the person manages to breathe again or until the paramedics take over. CPR in the case of children is slightly different, although the same techniques apply. The rescuer needs to have in mind that children are smaller and more fragile than adults, so chest compressions should be done gentler, for instance, going as deep as a third of the chest’s depth.

So, CPR should not be performed by chance and CPR certification is extremely useful, as will provide the knowledge you need to have to make the best decisions in crisis situations. You can take both regular CPR courses and online CPR courses, depending on how busy your schedule is. The main point is that anyone can enjoy these courses regardless of background, job, and daily schedule. Still, if you can, it would be best to follow regular CPR courses, because this way you will get the chance to practice what you learned in theory, with your trainer by your side. CPR certification is something everybody should have because it is not hard to obtain and can make the difference between life and death in very many situations.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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Monday, 5 June 2017

Stay Safe This Summer With CPR And First Aid Training

Stay Safe This Summer With CPR And First Aid Training

Summer is the time when we have our most enjoyable adventures and vacations. Still, this can also mean exposing ourselves and our loved ones to a lot of risks. Of course, no one wants for anything bad to happen, but we can never foresee what can happen. It would be ideal for everyone to follow CPR courses, Winnipeg having more than one center that provides such course so that you will be ready to tackle any kind of challenge that comes your way. Don’t allow anything unfortunate to ruin your summer, by using the Canadian Red Cross First Aid App and acquiring the needed knowledge in the case of an emergency.

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Why is it important to know CPR and first aid techniques? According to the Canadian Red Cross, one out of four children with ages between 1 and 4 years old die due to accidental drowning. Also, it takes only one single minute for a young child to drown. In the case of cardiac arrests, more than 80% of the cases take place in the home of the patient and not in a hospital. Of all the people that suffered from cardiac arrest, only approximately 6% manage to survive, the percentage being so low because the people around them do not know CPR and first aid techniques. Every year, approximately 200,000 people die because of sudden cardiac arrest. Out of this total number of deaths, about 50,000 could have been prevented with the right type of training. This is why everybody should have CPR training, Winnipeg providing this opportunity to anyone interested in learning these life-saving techniques.

So, as you can see, there are numerous occasions in which a person can lose its life. Still, even in a life-threatening situation, a person can survive if there is someone near that can provide CPR and first aid until the paramedics arrive. The minutes that pass from the occurring of the emergency and until the ambulance reach the scene, can be extremely valuable for a person that fights for his or her life. First aid is an extremely important skill because you will be able to save the life of your loved ones, no matter where you choose to go or do this summer. Do not consider that you will forget what you’ll have to do in case of an accident or emergency because once your brain memorizes the information and procedure, it will automatically activate and will let you know how to act.

Summer should be the most enjoyable period of the year, so make sure it stays that way by following CPR and first aid training. Whether you are enjoying a trip or vacation with your family and loved ones, visiting a pool, going camping, or unrolling any other activities at home or away, CPR and first aid are both definitely welcome anywhere and at any time. Choose to be the protector of your family and make a difference that can save a life if anything unfortunate happens.

Prepare First Aid Training is a locally owned company providing best the First Aid & CPR Training courses in Winnipeg. To learn essential First Aid and CPR skills and for more information please visit our website http://preparefirstaidtraining.ca/.

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