Sunday, 26 November 2017

How to provide first aid in case of hypothermia


Winter is closing on us and, even though many people enjoy this season, the cold weather also comes along with a set of risks. Hypothermia is, by far, the greatest risk associated with low temperatures, as it can endanger a person’s life if that person does not receive immediate attention. Among other things you learn during First Aid Training Winnipeg, you will also get the information necessary to identify hypothermia and what to do in the case it occurs, to minimize damages and even save a person’s life. CPR courses are extremely valuable in this case as well, if the cold risks taking a person’s life. With this kind of knowledge, there are high chances that you will be able to save a life in this kind of unwanted emergency case.  

There are two types of hypothermia, mild and severe hypothermia, each of them having its own set of symptoms and effects on the human body. Hypothermia that is mild will produce a shivering of the entire body, although the inner temperature of that person will still be normal. Also, a sensation of numbness may be experienced in the extremities of the body, like toes and fingers. But, if the hypothermia will head toward a moderate level, then the core temperature of the body will start to drop. Besides feeling numbness in the extremities, the victim will also start feeling numb in other parts of the body as well. The victim will also shiver severely and both the coordination and behavior of the person may start to show signs of improper functioning of the body. This is the moment when the victim should receive immediate and adequate attention because moderate hypothermia can quickly turn into severe hypothermia and endanger the person’s life. 

In case of severe hypothermia sets in, there’s no time to waste and the victim should receive immediate first aid, together with calling in an ambulance. Even healthcare providers should take HCP Courses Winnipeg to know how to best handle this kind of emergency cases, to make sure that the victim will have a normal life as much as possible after this episode. Besides calling an ambulance, you should also try to gradually warm up a person that suffers from severe hypothermia. While the instinct is to warm that person as much and as fast as possible, warming him or her too quickly can trigger heart arrhythmias. Have in mind that the core temperature of the body drops to 30°C in this case, the victim not shivering at this point and with a high chance of being unconscious. If the temperature will drop below 30°C, the life of the person is seriously in danger.  

Thus, what you can do until an ambulance arrives is to try to keep the person conscious, if possible, to use a blanket to gradually warm him or her, and check his or her breathing as often as possible, also being prepared to perform CPR in case the person becomes unresponsive and stops breathing. But again, try to remember that a rapid warming up of a person suffering from severe hypothermia can lead to permanent damages.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website  

Monday, 13 November 2017

3 Crucial aspects you need to know about CPR and First Aid Training

CPR and first aid training were created from the necessity to be able to take immediate action in case of accidents and medical emergencies. But, its time, it changed and improved so that the chances of survival of people to be increased, regardless of the crisis that puts their health and wellbeing to test. In case you want to make sure that you will be able to save a person that collapsed due to cardiac arrest or ends up in similar situations, then you definitely need to consider CPR training. If you choose to do so, the baggage of knowledge that you will acquire by the end of the course will be extremely valuable. Even if you work in the healthcare system, there are HCP courses that can enrich your experiences as a healthcare provider and make you even more ready to manage emergency situations.  

The training will be composed out of different sections, each of them addressing different aspects and situations. First Aid Training Winnipeg will focus more on treating injuries and accidents like CPR will make you capable of tackling life-threatening emergencies. During the courses and your training, you will focus your attention on 3 main aspects that are essential for this kind of training.
  1. Simulations on special CPR mannequins
CPR courses are so important for rescue operations and crisis situations precisely because they are physical. Practically, when performing CPR Courses Winnipeg, you are trying to restart someone’s heart while helping it to pump blood through the body so that the brain is not deprived of oxygen for too long. But before you actually end up performing this technique on a real person, you need to practice it on a mannequin, so you’ll learn how much pressure to apply and how to do it correctly.
  1. Learning how to use an Automated External Defibrillator
Considered a technical wonder that can help someone get a second chance to live after a cardiac arrest, the Automated External Defibrillator or AED will certainly be part of CPR Training Winnipeg due to its importance in life-saving. Although it is not that complicated to use such a device, it is essential for you to know how to use it efficiently and safely. It works by sending an electric shock to the victim’s heart, in order to restart it and set a normal rhythm, which makes this device one of the most useful in situations of cardiac arrest.
  1. Practical training sessions
While CPR and first aid training do have a theoretical part, you can’t save life and keep people out of danger without hands-on training. You will learn how to recognize various symptoms that may indicate toward a health emergency that needs immediate attention, plus what to do and when to do it, together with what not to do. When it comes to someone’s safety and even life, these details count a lot, so it is worth paying attention to each part of the CPR courses because each will provide crucial knowledge that will make you the guardian angel of the people in need.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website