Wednesday, 24 January 2018

5 Most important first aid tips to remember at all times


It is obvious that First Aid Training Winnipeg is extremely important, together with CPR courses, when it comes to helping someone overcome a dangerous crisis until the paramedics arrive and take over the case. This kind of training, including the HCP courses that are specially created for healthcare providers, gives you the ability to stay calm and the knowledge of doing the right thing in life-threatening situations. But, even so, the following tips may turn to be extremely helpful, especially when you need to act fast and precise.
  1. Applying pressure on bleeding areas stops the blood from flowing out
A bleeding wound can represent a very high risk because losing too much blood can also mean to lose one's life. So, in case of injury, the fastest way to stop the victim lose any more blood is to apply direct pressure, in a firm manner, onto the wound. Practically, you have to press on the spot that is allowing blood to flow out of the body with your hands until the ambulance comes and secures the area with medical bandages.
  1. Do not hesitate to use a defibrillator if you have to
You should not be afraid to use a defibrillator or AED, Automated External Defibrillator, even if you had no first aid training. They are designed to be used by anyone, this is why they can be found in many public areas so that they accessible in case of need. You will get all the guidance you need from the machine itself, in order to use it correctly, so if the situation needs it, use the AED to restart a person’s heart.
  1. Bend the head forward in case of nosebleed, and not backward
One of the most common mistakes people do when it comes to nosebleeds is that they tilt their heads backward or lie on their backs. In reality, leaning the head forward and keeping the tip of the nose pinched for approximately 10 minutes is the best and most effective way to stop a bleeding nose.
  1. Use water in case of burns
In case you see someone that suffered burns, you need to get some cool water as soon as possible and apply it to the burn. The main idea is to cool the burned area quickly, to prevent the burn to cause any more damage to the tissue around it. So, if possible, putting the burned area under running water is the fastest way to reduce the temperature. If you cannot move the victim, clean compresses with cool water applied to the burn will also help.
  1. Perform chest compression in the best way possible
When it comes to CPR Courses Winnipeg, the most important thing you learn is how to perform chest compressions in a correct manner. If you see someone that goes into cardiac arrest, chest compressions are crucial, so you need to provide chest compression of exceptional quality. You can also perform rescue breathing, but it is not mandatory. So, if you don’t want to or you cannot, then you don’t have to do it, but you can continue performing chest compression until you get a positive reaction from the victim or until paramedics arrives.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Essential baby first aid every parent should know


As a parent, we would do anything to know that our babies are safe at all times. When it comes to first aid training, most people are not worried when having to work with adults, but, in the case of babies, stress and worries are definitely present. The body of a baby is small and fragile and, even if you know first aid knowledge and performed CPR techniques on adults, it is not the same thing when it comes to babies. Thus, it is important to follow First Aid Training Winnipeg that focuses on babies alone, to learn everything you need to know about handling risky and dangerous situations that involve young children.

Everybody that works with children, like teachers, or parents that would like to know what needs to be done when their child gets a burn, for example, can opt for baby first aid courses. Having such skills will definitely give you some peace of mind, knowing that no matter what will happen, you will know what to do and how to act to diminish risks. So, what will you learn if go for CPR Courses Winnipeg that target babies? One good example would be to know how to react when your baby is choking. It is dangerous when a baby is chocking because they don’t make sounds like adults do. Because their airways are blocked and babies don’t have the same reflexes like adults, a baby can easily die when chocking. This is why a silent baby raises worries among parents. 

What to do when a baby is choking? The first thing you need to do is to turn your baby with his face toward the floor, positioning him on your thigh while making sure that the baby’s head is lower than his bottom. Then give the baby up to 5 hits with the hand between the shoulder blades. This should dislodge whatever is blocking your baby’s airways. If this doesn’t work, you should try a different method. You can continue to try and clear the airways of your baby by applying 5 thrusts on his chest. You need to do this by turning your baby so he is facing you and by placing two fingers on his chest, between the baby’s nipples. Then, push short and sharp, forcing the foreign object to leave the airways. If this doesn’t work either, call an ambulance continuing black blows and chest thrusts until the paramedics arrive.

This is only one example of how you can help your baby in a dangerous situation. Even if you work in the healthcare system, you can opt for HCP courses, which will add more information to your baggage of knowledge and give you the power to prevent unfortunate situations involving young children. Due to the fact that the body of a baby is so small and their immune system is still frail, babies have different symptoms and they require a different kind of attention when facing a health crisis. So, take no risks and choose to follow baby first aid training and CPR courses, to keep your baby safe and offer adequate attention to all the babies that might need your help.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website