You don’t have a clear understanding on when you will come across an emergency in the next time. Hence, it is important for you to be prepared to face such emergencies.
Among the emergency situations that you will come across, head and spinal injuries hold a prominent place. You shouldn’t take these injuries lightly. That’s because they are in a position to threaten the life of a person as well. Hence, you need to learn how to act accordingly and help to save the life of the person who has gone through the head or spinal injury.
You should also take a look at the signs of injury that you can find in the victim. For example, if the head is severely damaged after a motor accident and if the person is bleeding, you will need to understand that the head has hit too hard. In such a situation, it might not be possible for that person to move the lower part of the body as well.
Keep an eye on the responsiveness
If you see that the victim is conscious, you need to pay more attention to the responsiveness. This will be covered during the first aid training. Here, you are the primary person who is taking care of the victim. In case if you are dealing with an infant or a child, you need to make sure that you get the permission of a guardian or parent. You should then discuss with the victim and see what has happened. You can also ask where it is hurting as well. If the victim of seriously injured, you will need to call the emergency services.
The level of consciousness or the responsiveness of the victim will help you to get a better understanding of the level of care that should be providing. As told by HCP courses, a conscious person is fully aware of the surroundings. Moreover, that person will be able to communicate effectively. He is able to take control of the muscle function as well. On the other hand, an unconscious person is not aware of the surroundings. You will not be able to have any verbal communication along with that person.
Calling emergency services
If you notice that the person is severely injured or he is not responding to you, you will have to call the emergency services. You shouldn’t wait until you make this decision. It is important to call immediately. Then you will be able to offer your assistance to save the life of that person. You can simply call 911 and ask for an ambulance. You can also tell what’s wrong with the person that you are dealing with. Then the person who is coming in the ambulance will be able to prepare accordingly to provide immediate care.
In case if you are not alone at the scene, you are strongly encouraged to seek the assistance of others. If no other person comes to your assistance, you need to go ahead and provide support on your own. You will need to use the knowledge that you have learned and provide the support to that person as needed. This will be the right method to deal with a head or spinal injury.