Tuesday, 28 August 2018

What should a first aid kit contain at the workplace?

First aid training should be part of the preparation of each of us, especially when it comes to securing safety at the workplace. Regardless of the jobs we have, risks are always present, even when you have to sit down at a desk all day long. While it is true that First Aid Training Winnipeg and CPR courses are optional, only those that want to take these courses having access to this kind of information, it would be ideal if all of us could get this kind of certification. These are types of training that take just a few hours or days in the worst case scenario, but give you precious information that can save not just your co-workers from a dangerous and life-threatening situation, but also your family members and the people you care about.
Speaking of safety at the workplace, let us take a look at how a first aid kit should look like. A well-equipped first aid kit is a must in every workplace and it should be periodically checked to see if it has everything needed in case of an injury or emergency. The purpose of this kit is to provide assistance in case an unexpected injury occurs. Of course, we are talking about minor injuries, the kind of injuries that don’t pose a threat to the life and wellbeing of a person. If anything severe happens, then the best approach is to call an ambulance. Still, no matter what the case is, having a fully equipped first aid kit and first aid knowledge will be extremely helpful. In case you are a company or business owner, you should be aware of the importance of having such a kit present in your office or headquarters at all times. It is not a major investment, so you won’t have to consume a consistent part of your budget to get such a kit. Just take a look at the list below and you will understand why:
  1. Adhesive and triangular bandages;

  2. Several sizes of gauze pads;

  3. Alcohol pads and hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting wounds;

  4. Tweezers and scissors;

  5. Tensor bandages;

  6. Adhesive tape;

  7. Latex gloves;

  8. Blanket;

  9. Splint.

So, as you can see, the first aid kit is not an expensive kit to have. Make sure to have everything you need in it and, as well, make sure that everybody knows where you find it in case of need. Even if you work in the healthcare domain, having proper first aid training and a kit of this kind in handy is more than recommended. For healthcare providers, HCP Courses Winnipeg are available as they are tailored to suit the needs and training of people with this kind of professions. Also, for all business owners out there, having an emergency plan in case of a crisis situation is more than recommended. If you can get your employees, at least some of them, to get through first aid training and CPR courses, it would be ideal, as the workplace will turn into a safer place. Of course, you can’t make them, but it would be a warm recommendation, not just for them but for you as well.  

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Myths that must be dismissed about First Aid Training Winnipeg

farst-aid-social (1) First aid training is something that everyone should go through, as it gives you the power to save not just the people you love, but also people that may be in a critic situation. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand that First Aid Training Winnipeg is not something you can learn on your own, at home. When it comes to knowing how to perform CPR, things get even more serious, as you need CPR Courses Winnipeg or HCP courses, if you work in the healthcare system. Because people took first aid lightly, a number of myths about it appeared. Here is a list of these myths so you will know that they are not true when you come across them.
  1. Butter is good for burns
Putting something oily on a burnt patch of skin is the worst idea one can have. Due to its high density, the oil will prevent the skin to release the heat accumulated due to the burn so the healing process will be seriously affected. When facing a burn, cold water is the best and fastest treatment in handy, as burned skin should be cooled down as soon as possible to minimize the damage.
  1. Ipecac will make someone vomit ingested poison
Ingesting poison or any kind of toxic substance is bad enough, so there’s really no need to add another toxic substance to the mixture. When something like this happens, you should immediately rush to a doctor or consult a Poison Control Center.
  1. Heat is good for strains, fractures, and sprains
When a strain, fracture, or sprain occurs, the affected area suffers from an inflammation, so applying heat will only do worse. Do the opposite instead and add an ice-cold compress, as it will reduce the swelling and calm down the pain.
  1. Bleeding can be stopped with a tourniquet
This is true only in the most severe cases when there is a massive blood loss. So, only use a tourniquet as a last resort solution, because stopping the blood flow with this method is not good for the limbs, as the lack of blood supply in the limb can cause damage.
  1. It is okay to move an injured person from the area of the accident
It is impossible to tell if someone suffered a backbone injury or fracture, so it’s best not to take any risks. When dealing with an injured person, it is recommended not to move it from its spot until the paramedics arrive and take over. Until then, you can use first aid to stabilize the victim.
  1. Alcohol rubbed on the skin will reduce fever
This is a bad idea as alcohol can be easily absorbed into the organism through the skin. This is rather dangerous, especially in the case of children, as it can lead to alcohol poisoning. Drugs that reduce fever, like Ibuprofen, are the best approach.
  1. Using hot water to treat frostbites
Resist the temptation to apply hot water on frostbite or introduce frostbitten tissue in hot water. The frostbite should be allowed to get warm gradually, at room temperature and by applying warm clothes. Passing the tissue from one extreme temperature to another will produce damages to the tissue.

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & CPR Courses Training in Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.