First Aid Training Winnipeg is the kind of training everybody could benefit from. During this type of training, one will acquire extremely useful skills and pieces of information that will enable saving a person’s life, when the case requires it. But, the bad part is that there are several myths out there, regarding first aid and CPR that could lead to a state of confusion and can even be dangerous. If someone believes any of these myths, instead of providing assistance, he or she can do more harm. So, sticking to what you learned during first aid training and CPR Courses Winnipeg is essential. Also, knowing the myths will keep you from doing something wrong.
Myth 1: A person that is having a seizure must be held down
Most people are tempted to try and immobilize a person that is having a seizure, due to the fact that the person’s muscles are contracting involuntarily. Well, you should try to restrain such reactions, as it is not recommended to do so at all. When a tonic-clonic seizure occurs, the victim will fall on the ground and will display spastic movements. Trying to restrain a person at this stage can lead to injuries both to the person and to yourself, as the muscular spasms are happening in an uncontrolled manner and can be quite intense.
You should handle these medical emergencies in a different manner. As soon as you notice a person seizing, call an ambulance and start timing the seizure. If there are items that could harm the person, move those away. Also, protect the person’s esteem by sending away bystanders. Keep the head of the person safe and once the seizure is over, turn the victim on the side and make sure it breathes properly.
Myth 2: AEDs cannot be used without special training
Myth 3: Toothpaste or butter work well on burns
Using cool toothpaste or butter to calm down burns is definitely one of the myths you should never follow. These two do not offer proper cooling of the affected area and can even lead to complications. In the case of a burn, especially a large one, you should call an ambulance and use cool water to calm down the burned area. If possible, you should put the burned area under running cool water for 10 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, keep an eye on the victim and monitor its state. Only the burn should be cooled, so the victim should be warmed up, if the case, so it won’t go into hypothermia.
Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & HCP Courses Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website www.preparefirstaidtraining.ca.
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