Monday, 3 June 2019

How Many Life-Saving Skills Do You Know?

CPR Courses Winnipeg  

If someone you love, even a stranger, gets into a life-threatening situation, do you have the skills required to save that person’s life? First aid training and CPR courses are the types of training each of us should take. They provide the skills and knowledge required to help someone in need and even save a life if necessary. So, how many life-saving skills do you know? Are you familiar with them? When it comes to first aid training and CPR Courses Winnipeg, here are the skills you will obtain, which can make a real difference in an emergency case.
  1. CPR
CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation can bring back a person whose heart has stopped until the ambulance arrives at the scene. Because the brain can suffer severe damages when left even for just a few minutes without oxygen, then the heart stops this method can help it pump blood again into the body. Not to mention that applying CPR on someone that stopped breathing and presenting heart beats immediately will increase that person’s chances of survival. The more minutes pass until the ambulance arrives, the higher are the chances for that person to lose his or her life. So, CPR is essential in such a case.
  1. Using an AED
AEDs are Automatic External Defibrillators and can be found in most public spaces. These are electronic devices that can be used by anyone, even if you’re not a healthcare provider, with the purpose of restarting a heart that stopped working. During training, you will learn how to use such a device effectively and correctly. While it is true that an AED is usually accompanied by instructions, it is very easy to forget about it during a crisis. But, if you go through training, you will know what needs to be done at all times.
  1. The Heimlich Maneuver
This particular maneuver can save someone from chocking with a foreign object, like a piece of food or, in the case of children, small items that they put in their mouth out of an accident. The Heimlich maneuver allows you to unblock the airways that are blocked by the obstruction so that the person doesn’t choke. You may have seen this maneuver performed by someone at one point. But, doing it yourself is not as simple as it may seem. Going through First Aid Training Winnipeg will get you ready for this and will teach you how to perform this maneuver correctly.
  1. Recognizing the manifestation of a stroke
A stroke is a health condition that affects people of all ages, but it is mostly met among seniors, as the risk increases with age. There are many situations in which a stroke happens without the person even being aware of it. Still, there are some signs and the person will present certain symptoms that can help identify the problem. Knowing these signs and symptoms will definitely help you save a life and get medical assistance in a timely manner.
  1. Realizing that someone is having a heart attack
In spite of the fact that heart attacks are real dangers to one’s life, you can spot when a heart attack is occurring, as there is a set of preceding signs. Besides chest pain, there are other symptoms that manifest before a heart attack takes place, so knowing these signs will give you the chance to help a person and even save his or her life by acting quickly and effectively. 

Prepare First Aid Training Winnipeg is a locally owned company in Winnipeg, Manitoba providing the First Aid Training & HCP Courses Winnipeg. To learn essential of First Aid, CPR and HCP skills please visit our website

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